Aalborg University
Aalborg University (AAU) is a young, dynamic institution with over 20,000 students and 3,000 academic staff. AAU collaborates with businesses, organizations, and institutions in teaching and research. Two departments of AAU are involved in the BeyondBattRec project namely Department of Chemistry and Bioscience and AAU Energy, which provide a unique platform for research and knowledge sharing to support and advance research within the framework of the project.
Role in BeyondBattRec: AAU is coordinating the project and is lead for work package 4: Recycling and Regeneration. As Coordinator, AAU will ensure the overall legal, contractual, financial, and administrative management of the project. On the research side, AAU will contribute to the recovery of anode, cathode, and polymeric materials from spent Li-ion batteries. Specifically, AAU will focus on optimizing the biogenic acid production process for use in metal leaching from cathode materials and will work on the selective recovery of both metals and acids from polymetallic solution.

Aamer Ali

Cejna Anna Quist-Jensen

Dalia Stakennaite

Marco Malaguti
Coventry University

Rong Lan
VARTA Microbattery GmbH

Sebastian Schebesta

Nicolas Bucher
Accurec Recycling GmbH

Michael Fischer

Nora Jeske

Andreas Albrecht
acib GmbH

Silja Välimets

Katrin Weinhandl
SK tes

Farouk Tedjar

Zijun Lu

Stephane Tocchini

Mickal Cortes

Serey Phoas Sowath

Francisco José Orriach
Beside the mechanical separation of the black mass by froth flotation and therefore the recovery of the graphite, comprehensive chemical and physical analysis is done by UVR-FIA GmbH ranging from mineralogical, granulometric and physical to chemical methods for liquid and solid materials.
Shift Materials

Azadeh Motealleh
University of Jaén
The University of Jaén (UJA) is an EHEA medium-sized Spanish public university, established in 1993 and organized into 6 main Schools, 100 research groups and 6 specialized centres, among which CEACTEMA (Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences) is highlighted. The Hybrid Materials and Surfaces Research Group involved in BeyondBattRec has strong expertise in the design, development and characterization of innovative hybrid carbon-based materials (graphite, carbon black, …) and nanomaterials (MWCNT, GNP, …), obtained by combining novel organic synthetic approaches applied to carbon-based surface modifications, thus providing unique materials with outstanding properties for catalytic and energy applications.

Antonio Penas

Stefan Durm

Daniel Habermeier